GEM | galería emma molina

Khia Celeste

Selected Works

Bum, 2022
Contingent Sculpture 1.1
In Good Company

Rounded Corners, Pointed Curves, 2020

Irrelevant, 2017

A tumor a day, 2020
Endless, Nameless, 2020


Kiah Celeste currently lives and works in Louisville, Kentucky.

Kiah Celeste is a multi-dimensional artist whose work for the last four years has transcended fitting into one category or medium. Living a peripatetic life from her native Brooklyn, to Berlin, Barcelona, Vienna, Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi and now Louisville, as well as her concerns for environmental sustainability have catapulted her approach to art making to a non-category. Although completing a BFA in photography in 2016, Kiah Celeste moved to a world of production in three dimensions. She primarily uses recycled industrial and synthetic objects and builds them into abstract forms alluding the organic; their stability reliant on the interdependancy and embrace of the objects in question. Celeste’s conceptual work and research focuses on social stigmas and conditioning that have permeated her life and identity such as the neglect of Black women in America, obsession of self in the media, corruption in the medical world and medical device industry, and gentrification in Brooklyn. 

Actualmente vive y trabaja en Louisville, Kentucky.

Kiah Celeste es una artista multidimensional cuyo trabajo en los últimos cuatro años ha trascendido sin encasillarse en una categoría o medio específico. Viviendo una vida peripatética desde su natal Brooklyn, pasando por Berlín, Barcelona, Viena, Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi y ahora Louisville, así como su preocupación por la sostenibilidad ambiental han catapultado su enfoque en la creación artística a una no-categoría. Aunque completó una licenciatura en fotografía en 2016, Kiah Celeste se trasladó a al mundo de la producción en tridimensional. Ella utiliza principalmente objetos industriales y sintéticos reciclados y los construye en formas abstractas que aluden a lo orgánico; su estabilidad depende de la interdependencia y el abrazo de los objetos en cuestión. El trabajo conceptual y la investigación de Celeste se centran en los estigmas sociales y la condición que han permeado su vida e identidad, como la negligencia hacia las mujeres negras en América, la obsesión por el yo en los medios, la corrupción en el mundo médico y la industria de dispositivos médicos, y la gentrificación en Brooklyn.





(Upcoming) Swivel Gallery, Saugerties
The Shape Of Things
Group Exhibition
Saugerties, NY

All The Best,
Kiah Celeste
Solo Exhibition
Chicago, IL

The Carnegie
A Thought Is A River
Group Exhibition
Covington, KY

Schick Gallery
‘Humor Me’
Group Exhibition
Saratoga Spring, NY

Swivel Gallery
The Right Side Down
Solo Exhibition
Brooklyn, NY


NADA Miami with Swivel Gallery
Miami, FL

KMAC Museum
Before It Falls Apart
Solo Exhibition
Louisville, KY

University Of Kentucky Art Museum
Group Exhibition
Lexington, KY

KMAC Museum
Reflect, Reframe, Remake, Remodel 40th anniversary exhibition
Group Exhibition
Louisville, KY

Visual collaboration for Noisebody album, HEAT, with Zone Catalogue
Available on Youtube, Spotify etc.

Quappi Projects
It Is What Is Not Yet Known
Solo Exhibition
Louisville, KY

Anne Wright Wilson Fine Arts Gallery
A Howl Is Also A Prayer
Group Exhibition
Georgetown College, Georgetown, KY


Artadia 21C Louisville Award
Inaugural 10K unrestricted grant recipient


Artist Relief Trust (ART)
Elevator Artist Grant

Foundation For Contemporary Arts
FCA Emergency Grant

Louisville Arts Network and Lift Up Lou
Louisville Arts Network Micro-Commission


Nathan Snyder
Brooklyn, NY

Cristina Ulerio
Brooklyn, NY

BIBLIOGRAFÍA Bickel, Megan. Refuse, Reused: A Review of Kiah Celeste at Document, NewCity. 9 May 2022 Art Forum Art Guide MUST SEE list May 2022 Weiss, Natalie. Review of The Graceful Instability of Kiah Celeste’s Art, Hyperallergic. 22 September 2021 Filchak, Ryan. Review of Kiah Celeste at Quappi Projects, Louisville, Burnaway, 4 March 2021 Kissel, Hunter. Review of It Is What Is Not Yet Known, Ruckus Journal. 28 February 2021 Starowitz, Sean. Review of “It Is What Is Not Yet Known”, Under Main Newsletter. 27 February 2021 Oberdick, Jessica. Review of A Howl is Also a Prayer, Ruckus Journal. 26 February 2021 “Art of Gravity, Ep. 07 Kiah Celeste’s It Is What Is Not Yet Known, with John Brooks and Mary Clore.” Gnadinger, L Autumn, director. Art Of Gravity, episode 7, Ruckus, 2021. 25 February 2021 Weiss, Natalie. Review of In Kiah Celeste Exhibit, Discarded Materials Find New Life, Wfpl. 16 February 2021 Carstens, Ian. “Kiah Celeste: Glass Breakfast Q&A.” Ruckus Louisville. 19 August 2020 Bickel, Megan. “Q&A: Kiah Celeste and Material Agency :: AEQAI.” AEQAI RSS 27 June 2020 Noah Barker, Spring Themes :: Obsolete Staircases Album Artwork. 5 June 2020 Christopher Carter, “Refusals and Offerings: Revolutionary Identity at the Kennedy Heights Art Center” :: AEQAI 15 February 2020